E is for……. Education and Europe

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When I was little, I was taught very well about different cultures around the world. Coming from wide range of nationalities myself, (Hungarian, Brazilian, French, Italian, Egyptian, Palestinian) I find it more then fascinating to have the beautiful experience to live, travel and experience the world within my own eyes. It’s always been a dream of mine since I was younger to get a post secondary education in Europe, but I truly thought it would just be a dream and not a reality that I would actually live to see. Coming from a Hungarian mother who’s practically traveled almost everywhere on this planet, and an immigrant father straight from Brazil, I think it’s an understatement to say that I have quite eccentric and adventurous parents.  It all really started this January when my parents told me at a quiet Sunday dinner that we were packing up our lives in Toronto and moving half way across the world to Budapest, Hungary in precisely 8 months. Thanks to my father’s great verbal execution skills, I was brought to tears by the news that now, I’m so thankful for hearing.

One of the most exciting factors for me when hearing the news was that I get the opportunity to finish my high school career in an international school and in my case, a British international school.  From meeting kids that have traveled, lived and had been educated all over the world was like the icing on the cake for me. Meeting new kids and learning about their lives in intensely interesting. Another thing that I’ve noticed from going to an international school is the level of etiquette that these kids posses. Making the change from a life full of public schools to a private international school is intensely different in so many ways. In my case, I’m finishing my education in the British education system, so I’m now doing my A-levels. I know I know, it sounds more then confusing, and in all honesty I’m still trying to figure it out myself. Basically it’s a two-year program that requires 4 credits in the first year and 3 in the second year. The simplest thing to compare it to is American IB & Advanced Placement courses. The biggest difference for me is the teaching style in lessons. I actually enjoy coming to school now and it’s more than an amazing feeling to actually have teachers that teach because they love it and not just because they need a job. It’s not only my grades that have improved, but my whole approach and mentality towards going to school in the morning.  I had a similar experience at QSLA.  The best aspect of QSLA in my opinion and from my experience is how they treat their students. Weather your just there to revise a few things, or you’re trying to cram before a math exam like me, they always made sure you understood everything to your full potential, and THAT, in my opinion, is how every child’s educational experience should go.

It’s not just the education system that’s different in Europe, but it’s the whole approach about life, the mentality and the life style. If someone told me a year ago that I was going to move across the world in, I honestly wouldn’t have believed it. But seeing how it is here, I honestly urge anyone who is thinking about traveling, or doing a year abroad or going to university out of your home country, just do it. It’s going to be worth the while and one of the best and un-regrettable decisions you’re ever going to make.

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