Register for our Basketball Program for Kids 4-6

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Register for our Basketball Program for Kids 4 – 6 | Mini BallMatics


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Our basketball program for kids age 4 to 6 is led by our professional staff of basketball coaches and certified teachers. This basketball program features FUN high energy basketball lessons in Toronto focused on developing each child’s dribbling, passing, shooting and athletic ability.

As seen on CTV’s Your Morning Show, we develop youth basketball players athletic ability, skill and love for math.  The Mini Ballmatics program gives your child the added benefit of learning math topics and skills while having fun playing basketball.

Math topics are mixed into fun modified basketball activites where we teach fundamental movement skills (FMS) with basic fundamental basketball skills. The program is designed to grow your toddler basketball player’s love for the game and math.

Mini BallMatics - A unique skill development Basketball Program for Kids.
Mini BallMatics – A unique skill development Basketball Program for Kids. Girls & boys 4-6 yr olds building their basketball, math and fundamental movement skills.


    • Reversible Jersey
    • Drills & Skills
    • Math Booklet (compiled at end of session)
    • 1 Session per week

Spots are limited. Register your child in our exciting youth basketball programs today!

Please fill in the form below, choose your package and submit payment by clicking register.

We look forward to working with your future Mini BallMatic basketball and math wiz!

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