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[av_heading heading=’PARENT AND STUDENT-ATHLETE CODE OF CONDUCT ‘ tag=’h2′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]
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PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. Completed waivers must be signed and returned with registration or prior to first attending any of the QSLA Ballmatics team events, including any event related to basketball, practices, training, games, on-court or off-court events, programs and/or activities organized, operated, conducted or sanctioned by QSLA. This waiver applies whether occurring in the near or distant future, and each of the Participant and the Participant’s Guardian agrees that the terms of this waiver need not be brought to the attention of the Participant or the Participant’s Guardian each time the Participant participates in an event in order for it to be effective.
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